Our RI.VA.LE. awarded at Golosaria 2018
Wine "Ri.Va.Le." of the Azienda Fontanini farm was awarded as" fuoriditop "
The Bradi Toscani participated in the annual event of “Golosaria 2018” held in Milan on Saturday 27th, Sunday 28 and Monday 29 October 2018 in its thirteenth edition.
A collection of 200 producers, 100 wineries and more than 80 events, for the most interesting review of Italian taste.
Wine “Ri.Va.Le.” of the Azienda Fontanini farm and was awarded during the event as” fuoriditop “among the various choices for Tuscany by Paolo Massobrio and Marco Gatti, authors of the book “Vino: memorable tastings of that day and that hour (Cairo Editore)” that for 16 years have set themselves the goal of “making known the qualitative evolution of Italian wine”.
The “Fuori di top” for wines are cellars, mostly small or very small and often new, with exceptional wines discovered at the end of the selection made with collective tastings. In this case, the 40 wines were promoted directly on the field or from Massobrio or Gatti, therefore without going through the plenary tastings.
Click here to discover the complete list of prizes [LINK: https://www.ilgolosario.it/it/top-hundred-2018]