Semi- aged cheese
Sheep’s cheese
The “Red of Pienza” could make us think of a wine and instead no, he is the typical cheese of the town of the Crete Senesi, which boasts the birthplace of Enea Silvio Piccolomini, better known as Pope Pius II.
Hard cheese with pasteurized milk with a minimum seasoning of 4 months, is called “red” because each shape is passed by hand with olive oil and tomato sauce.
The taste is fresh and pleasant, fragrant, almost reminiscent of the fragrance of homemade tomato sauce by housewives in late August.
You can combine it with a platter of mixed cheeses and cold cuts of our breed cinta senese all with a glass of RI.VA.LE that never hurts with pecorino.
Given the craftsmanship of the product, the weight may undergo some slight variation.